1966 Topps Baseball Wantlist

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Time to Check Out for the Season?

After another loss because of a mismanaged game by this numb nut I am checking out of the Redbirds  for who knows how long. It is one thing to just have bad team who plays poorly, it is another thing to have a decent team but horrible management. This goes to Cardinals' leadership. Auf Wiedersehen Redbirds! I am still blogging-


  1. The key is to have low expectations. I have zero expectations for my Padres & A's... so frustration isn't even part of the equation.

    1. I think you are right-I feel that way about the Blues and I am never disappointed.

  2. I am getting close to that point. I cannot stand the mistakes made by so called professionals. Carpenter trying to stretch a lead off double into a triple is beyond stupid. I will not even go into the defensive problems. I also hated to see Matt Adams go for basically nothing.

    1. Yep, you are correct-either the player doesn't trust his team mates to knock him in-or he is unaware. Matheny looked like a doe in headlights after they blew the Friday nigh lead-

    2. I feel bad for Adams but I haven't been a believer for some time-we can only cross our fingers for the new infielder
