In the way back when I was a “youngster” the Redbirds with
three trips to the World Series in 1982, 1985, and 1987 which resulted in two
WS Championships in 1982, and 1985* (KC, we all know who really won that
series) were the team of the ‘80s. The good times came after not having a
post-season appearance since 1968 when they lost the World Series to the Tigers.
These were the players of my youth, I remember others of course. But the
staying power of these memories are great and lasting. So when I first
discovered Topps Archives Autos I knew we would have to pick up players from those
great ‘80s teams. Who could forget Jack Clark and Game
6 of the 1985 NLCS? I sure can’t. I was attending my local community college at
the time and I made sure I was home for the day game in L.A. I mean his homerun
destroyed the Dodgers (Homerun). Who could forget the “crazy Dominican” that
passed away last year? He was a circus at times but he had passion, excitement,
and you never knew what would happen when he was on, or off, the mound. Then we
have the current third base coach of the Redbirds Jose “Secret Weapon” Oquendo
who has the distinction of having played 8 of 9 positions in the ’87 season. Of
course Topps capitalized on this and included 9 different designs in the 2012 Archives issue . He also hit a three run home run in the 7th Game
of the 1987 NLCS to help knock out the Giants and those clowns Chili Davis and
Jeffery Leonard. Tom “Tommy” Herr whom I
believe is under rated in the Redbird historical constellation. I don’t know
what may have happened between him and the Birds but I never see him involved
in the organization. He has two Archives issues one based on the 1996 Topps and
this one based on the much nicer 1985 Topps issue. The loss of Vince
Coleman due to a tarp accident during the 1987 post-season changed everything for the Birds. This guy could run like the wind
and helped make the “Running Redbirds” an exciting team. You can ask my wife
that when we watch the Boys I always exclaim disbelief at the current Redbirds
crappy running game. I don’t get having
a game plan that only allows the player to go station to station? I Just don’t get it.Then last but not least is Terry Pendleton who went on to have a stellar stint with the Braves but was pretty darn good when he wore the Birds on the Bat. My white whales of the 80s Topps Archives Autos are Willie, Ozzie, and Whitey.
Jack Clark 2012 Topps Archives Fan Favorites, he also has an Archives Auto as a Giant.
Joaquin Andujar 2005 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Jose Oquendo 2012 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Tom Herr 2003 Topps Archives Fan Favorites
Vince Coleman 2013 Topps Archives Fan Favorites (he has a
2003 Topps Archives Auto but with a portrait and also in the 1986 Topps style)
Terry Pendleton 2014 Topps Archives Baseball Fan Favorites
St. Louis has lost the Rams again (yes they were in St.
Louis back in the day) and are without a team again. Growing up I loved
football-in particular the Cardinals and I have been watching for Topps
Football Archives autos from the 80s and have added one to our
Terry Metcalf 2001 Topps Archives Reserve Autographs